Referral Policy

At Hanzi Grids we want to encourage and thank people who recommend our site to others, and so, if you refer 10 or more people to Hanzi Grids who then go on to purchase a subscription, those people will each receive a small discount and you will be eligible for a full refund, under the following conditions:

  1. You must be a paid subscriber to qualify for a refund. Any valid referrals you make while not a paid subscriber will still count towards your total number of referrals, but a refund will only be offered to paid subscribers.
  2. Only referrals that result in a paid subscription to Hanzi Grids count towards your refund. The person being referred must list either your account name or registered email address on the relevant field of the submission form when they purchase a subscription in order for the referral to be valid. It is your responsibility to ensure they do this, and failure to do so will mean that this user will not be considered as being referred by you.
  3. In order to encourage people to list their referrers, a small discount will be offered to any new user who lists an existing user as their referrer when purchasing a subscription. This discount will only be offered at the time of subscription/purchase and is not valid at any other time.
  4. Each user can only have one person assigned as their referrer, and you cannot act as your own referrer.
  5. Do not spam Internet forums, websites or social media with requests for others to list you as their referrer. Users found doing this will be ineligible for a refund. However, you are more than welcome (and even encouraged) to promote Hanzi Grids on your own website(s) or social media accounts.
  6. Referred users who cancel their subscription will not count as valid referrals, and likewise if you cancel your subscription, you will no longer be eligible for any refund from referrals.
  7. To discourage fraud and prevent people trying to take advantage of our 30-day money-back guarantee, a user will only count as a valid referral 45 days after their purchase. Likewise, you must also have been a paid subscriber for at least 45 days before qualifying for a refund.
  8. Your account page will show all users who listed you as their referrer. You will be eligible for a refund once this list has at least 10 users, and both you and each of those 10 users have been a paid subscriber for at least 45 days.
  9. A button allowing you to claim your refund will appear on your account page next to this list once you meet all of the eligibility requirements. You must use this button to initiate your refund request.
  10. Refunds are not automatic, and the final decision as to whether a user is eligible for a refund lies solely with Hanzi Grids. We will honour all genuine refund claims, but reserve the right to deny a refund to any user when there is reasonable suspicion of fraud or abuse.
  11. All refunds are in AUD. For customers who purchased the product using a foreign currency, the value of the refund may be slightly higher or lower than the actual price paid, depending on currency fluctuations.
  12. There is a limit of one refund per account.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this policy.